How does one update the settings for lists of supporting tax pages to print with a certain paper-filed return?
We have 2 new local taxes for TY 2021 that must be paper filed. Both are only 2 pages themselves. MET-40 is often a booklet of attached Fed/OR tax pages, but MC-40 has only been those 2 pages all year. Neither return actually states the required attachments on the 2-page returns but does so in the instructions. We really need to get this updated somehow as it's a lot to track down manually.
Screenshot directly from the "gov't instructions" link for the form in Lacerte:
Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
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Apologize for the belated response, posting in case someone else has a similar Q in the future...
Have you tried the print settings under "only e-file forms" setting it to "No"? This should print the state and federal copy of the forms to be included with the printed copy of the return. Hope this helps!
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