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How do you limit your rental losses when the rental income is below market rent because it is rented to taxpayer's son?

Level 1
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Level 15

I believe the correct route is to pick up the rent proceeds as income.  Mortgage interest and real estate taxes go on schedule A and any other expenses are just plain old lost.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

And the income might be 1040 Page 1/Schedule 1 line as opposed to Schedule E.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 15

Who is making the decision that rent is below FMV?  And how far is it?  Before taking away all the deductions (if Mom does not itemize) consider whether the rent is reasonable given having a reliable tenant who can maintain the property while it increases in value.  And is that really rent he is paying, or just reimbursement of some of her expenses?  

(Not that I'm defending parents who won't untie the apron strings.)