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Client Letter - Can you create a basic summary

Level 1

Hello. Our firm uses the client letter to help explain to our clients what their action items are in regards to their return. Since there are several who won't actually read the whole letter we were thinking it would be nice to have a short summary at the top outlining their taxes due, refunds, etc. Is there a way to utilize the keywords but in an "if a" way?


*IF a  -   Federal Tax Due: [FTD]¶
*IF a  -   Federal Refund: [FR]¶
*IF a  -   State Tax Due: [STD]¶
*IF a  -   State Refund: [SR]¶

Thank you!

0 Cheers
1 Comment 1
Level 15

You can offer suggestions to improve the program here. https://accountants.intuit.com/community/forums/postpage/board-id/604/search-before-post-mode/true

In your "if a" you could suggest a link to the 1st entry in the 1040 Client Letter "Folder number..." OR in the Client Information Screen "Custom Filter" OR setting a new field in Organizer Miscellaneous


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