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Batch downloading report of who worked on a return

Level 1

Is there any way to download a report of who worked on a return, as seen on the Client Log tab when you hit F4 (example here: https://proconnect.intuit.com/community/lacerte-tax-discussions/discussion/log-of-who-worked-on-a-re....)

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3 Comments 3
Level 15

Not really, but you could press F4. Print to pdf. Open pdf and save as rtf. Massage the rtf in to a file that could be input to a spreadsheet. 

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 1

Ah I see. Sadly what I am trying to do can be done faster than that, and I was just trying to see if I can automate it somehow. Thanks for the reply!

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Level 15

It would be even better if the codes that were messed with were in the report. 

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