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Back up Lacerte client and share on Google drive..

Level 2
0 Cheers
1 Comment 1
Level 2

Hi @vgolter 
Answer of your query is here:

To back up a Lacerte client and share it on Google Drive, follow these steps:

Locate Client Data: Find and select the client data you want to back up in Lacerte.

Create a Backup: Use Lacerte's built-in backup or export feature to create a backup file of the client data.

Save to Local Storage: Save the backup file to your computer's local storage.

Upload to Google Drive: Go to Google Drive and upload the backup file from your computer to your Google Drive account.

Share the File: Right-click on the uploaded file in Google Drive, select "Share," and choose the recipient's email address to share the file.

Set Permissions: Adjust the sharing permissions as needed (e.g., view-only or edit access).

Send Notification: Optionally, send a notification to the recipient to inform them of the shared file.

That's it! Your Lacerte client data is backed up and shared on Google Drive.