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Anyone used standfordtax organizers?

Level 3

Don't know if I can post links here, but standfordtax dot com advertises a PREFILLED organizer that will pull the prior year numbers from Lacerte. It's an online organizer so clients are sent a link where to fill it out. It sounds like the holy grail of organizers.

The way it works, is an SDK file must be downloaded to your computer. You're then supposed to run it and give permission to pull data from Lacerte. This is where my alarm bells start to ring. It gets access to your client data from Lacerte and pulls it, so the organizer can be prefilled with prior numbers. 

I have no idea how safe this is or where this information will be stored or shared.

I think a vendor must get a license from Inuit to run the SDK file, but I have no idea how this actually works or if there are any controls on Intuit's part to safeguard the data. 

Has anyone used this company? Any feedback?

0 Cheers