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1120-H Error when efiling

Level 2

So this is the first year we can efile 1120-H. It is also a requirement if you exceed a certain amount, which we do. I notice lacerte seem to be prepared for this, as we can now check the box to efile fed and we don't get the critical diagnostic anymore that 1120-H can't be efiled. But I'm getting an error:exception not allowing me to efile it. IRS says we can efile it and its actually required for us, I see some people on ProSeries have already started efiling 1120-H two weeks ago, why not lacerte??? Here is the error I'm getting, I called tech support and ended up on the line for almost 2 hours because she kept giving me links to not being able to efile 1120-H from old years, she wasn't aware of IRS allowing 1120-H to be efiled and neither was her team lead. I asked for them to please look into this and nothing, its been several days...


Exception occured attempting to process efile(s) for client XXXXXX.

ATEExceptionMessage: Tag ReturnData\IRS112\referenceDocumentID not found.

+Unable to render client XXXXXX request. Problem doing efile request for efiling: efileID: cor.us, instanceTag: None

+Failure while rendering id 3 of parent id 0.(Problem rendering container for state=US)

+RenderInstance Issue (Render): Failure while rendering id 6349 of parent id 3.(RenderInstance Issue (Render): Error rendering page id# 134694. Error in Grid.Render 134695. Render Error Pasting Grid 134695)

+Tag ReturnData\IRS1120\referenceDocumentId not found.

1 Comment 1
Level 2

Also wanted to share the link that says IRS DOES accept 1120-H to be efiled, as the Lacerte rep and her team lead said IRS does not allow 1120-H to be efiled: Form 1120/1120-S/1120-F/1120-H e-file | Internal Revenue Service

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