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Lacerte SDK - error reading TSJ field when the value is K?

New Member

Getting an ODBC exception when trying to read Lacerte data using the SDK - Trying to read TSJ field where the value is K, and it's failing because that's not an expected value for the field.  Any ideas?

2 Comments 2
Mark Patterson
Level 1

I don't know if this is your problem or not, but I believe the latest Lacerte update broke the ODBC connector and we're waiting for an updated one from Lacerte.  Current version is


For any Sureprep users, it also broke the connection between Sureprep and Lacerte.


Level 2

I was getting this error using SDK version when trying to access clients in the Partnership module. Only 11 clients would trigger this error.

I decided to update to the latest SDK to see if it would solve the error, but unfortunately the latest SDK seems to be broken entirely when querying the information I need in the partnership module.

Just my luck...

0 Cheers