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Ohio says to correct W2G withholding, no W2G entered

Ohio says to correct W2G withholding, no W2G entered


I'm getting the following errror message from Ohio. I confirmed my W2 amounts are correct. There was no W2G provided: 

OHIO Filing Rejected - This filing was rejected by the taxing agency on July 02, 2024. You need to fix errors that caused the rejection before it can be accepted by the agency. Follow these instructions for fixing the errors and you can transmit again at no additional charge.
Reject: Error OH-IT1040-131: The total withholding (0) does not match the sum of Ohio withholding claimed on the income statements provided (360). The department will review the discrepancy and may request additional documentation.

Resolution: Please review your entry for the W2G and then review the sourcing for your withholding. Your withholding for Ohio might be more then expected.