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The following diagnostic is generating:

Retirement distribution(s) entered with Distribution code P were excluded from the tax return because the program assumes that {CurrentTaxYear} Form 1099-R's with a distribution code P is a return of excess contributions/earnings taxable in {PriorTaxYear}. If the 1099-R is a tax year {NextTaxYear} Form 1099-R with a distribution code P (indicating that the distribution is a return of excess contributions/earnings taxable in {CurrentTaxYear}), check the box on '{NextTaxYear} Form 1099-R with distribution code P or R' (screen 13.1, code 98) to include the distribution on this year's tax return. The input field is located in the 'Other Information' section of the Pension/IRA screen.


Screen 13.1 > Other Information > YYYY Form 1099-R with distribution code 'P' or 'R' They YYYY will be the next tax year's year because code P on form 1099-R indicates a change taxable in the prior year Ex. If a 2020 1099-R is received with code P it is saying that is taxable for 2019 so in 2019 you would enter the 1099-R and check that it was a 2020 Form 1099-R with distribution code 'P' or 'R'

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