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The following diagnostic is generating: e-file: This return includes a Form 05-166, Tax Affiliate Schedule, or a Form 05-177, Common Owner Information Report, with no tax form. Per the TX Franchise tax instructions, if the combined group's annualized total revenue is less than the no tax due threshold ($2,270,000) for the year, the Affiliate Schedule and/or the Common Owner Information report is not required to be filed. For electronic filing purposes, please remove the Form 05-166 and/or Form 05-177 before electronically filing any information report. Alternately, include the Form 05-169 with the return by overriding the franchise tax calculation method.

We're having the same problem.  The company has no affiliates.  It never has.   We are unable to file their report because of this error message.

I used the disable efile error check and was able to get the return filed.  I don't like using that feature but since there doesn't seem to much of an effort on Lacerte's part to get this resolved and I knew they didn't have any affiliates or any tax liability I decided to use that option rather than wait until close to the due date in May and hope they fix it.

I talked to Lacerte yesterday and they said the diagnostic happens when you have an amount in the Employee Benefits field in screen 10.  It makes no sense but they are working on fixing it.  I spot checked our clients with the diagnostic and they all had amounts for Employee Benefits.  They didn't say how long before it's fixed but did mention the disable option to bypass the issue.