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The following diagnostic is generating: The amount proforma'd for beginning capital account for some partners may be incorrect. Please evaluate the data proforma's in the state special allocations screen. You may also re-proforma the client with the latest 2021 release of Partnership California to correct beginning capital account balance in the 2022 program. Please note that if the client is re-proforma'd that any data entered in the 2022 client file will need to be re-entered.

Some background for this would be useful. It implies that the LC file might have been proforma'd PRIOR to the last 2021 update.  I'm going to assume that is true and re-run my 2021 partnership return and see if capital accounts have changed.

Good Day Sir!

Hey Ya!

Follow up. There is a box to check in State Misc to clear the diagnostic. Why would LC want the preparer to confirm the beginning capital accounts?  Is this confirmation desired by California or Lacerte?