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The following diagnostic is generating:

Replacement tax is applicable for partners that are Corporations, S corporations, Partnerships and Nonresident Trusts. To mark the partner subject to the replacement tax, please enter a check mark in the ""Subject to replacement tax"" checkbox in the Partner Information screen.


If a disregarded entity -- Look at the Sch B, column B for IL if in column B they have Partner or Shareholder type as P, C, S. M (and M is = to screen 32 code 108 has a 1 entered ) this diagnostic will generate. They need to determine if they have entered the right type of partner type for disregarded entity in screen 32 Disregarded Enitty:Partner Information for the Partner type disregarded entity (ctrl+T) If in Partner information screen 7 they are marked as type of entity partnership, Scorp, Corp, the diagnostic will also generate.

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