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The following diagnostic is generating:

1095-A #{PrefixNum}: Only one set of percentages is allowed per month for the Shared Policy Allocation entries. Multiple entries are provided for each policy so that each month or period of months during the term of the policy may have a different allocation percentage. However, for each month or period of months, only one allocation percentage should be present for that policy. Allocations amongst more than two persons or tax households need to be handled in accordance with the instructions in Publication 974. Within those instructions are worksheets to determine the percentage to enter and the SSN to use in the allocation.


Screen 39.2
Covered Individuals (Part II) select covered people from the dropdowns who are part of the return

Coverage Information (Part III) put monthly amounts as reported on the 1095-A do not use Annual Totals

Shared Policy Allocation (Form 8962, Part IV)

Only put the SSN of only ONE individual that is NOT part of this return

(https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p974.pdf has multiple examples to determine which situation fits for whose SSN to use)

For % columns enter the percentage that applies to THIS return

Only use multiple lines in this section if the percentages that apply to this return changed throughout the year.  You would need to have the same SSN in the SSN of Other Taxpayer column for all lines.