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The following diagnostic is generating:

If Form 3800, Part III, checkbox ""B"" General Business Credit from Passive Activity is checked and line 2 of the corresponding Form 3800, Part III has a credit amount, there must also be an amount on Form 3800, Part I, line 3, applicable passive activity credits allowed. If an amount is not present on line 3 (e.g. passive activity credits disallowed on Form 8582-CR), this return will need to be filed as a conventional paper return.


Overriding this diagnostic results in rejection F3800-304 When Form 3800, Part III, line 2 has an amount greater than zero and Box B ""General Business Credit From a Passive Activity"" is checked, Form 3800, Part I, line 3 must not be zero for efile purposes. Please review the return. If the return is correct, it must be filed as a conventional paper return.

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