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The following diagnostic is generating:

For each shared policy allocation listed on Part 4 of Form 8962, there must be at least one percentage entered in column e (Premium Percentage), column f (SLCSP Percentage) or column g (Advance Payment of the PTC Percentage) for efile purposes. If the percentage is 0%, then enter -1. For taxpayers whose Household Income as a Percentage of Federal Poverty Line is less than 100% on Form 8962, Line 5, an entry is required for the Advance Payment of the PTC Percentage for each shared policy allocation.


If 100% is going to the taxpayer enter their information with a 1 for 100%. Form instructions say ""Policy amounts allocated 100%. If 100% of policy amounts are allocated to you, check “Yes” on line 9 and complete Part IV by entering 100 in the appropriate box(es) for your allocation percentage.""


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