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33698 - NYC UBT

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33698 - NYC UBT

The following diagnostic is generating: You are attempting to e-file the taxpayer's unincorporated business tax return for NYC (NYC-202 TP) and the form is not part of this return. Please verify that the NYC-202 TP is part of the tax return. I have all the same boxes checked as prior years, but this form is not coming up. This is for a schedule C on a client that does business in NYC and files this form every year.

same issue


the issue may **bleep** mode.  if you find the state tag reads US then change that to NY and you should be good.

sorry that post got garbled.  in the schedule c input screen highlight the checkbox field called subject to ubt. then hit control W. if the state tag reads US then change it to NY.  hit control w again to exit **bleep** mode. and you should be good.

uncheck ubt box (sch c). go to forms. After done calc back to input check the ubt box (sch c) & back to forms