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There was no tax payment was made, so I tried to input zero and negative 1 , but system is not allow and unable to resolve the critical diagnostic. of Ref#25677.



Solution: If payments were made, Go to the estimates entry screen: For Individual: Screen 6, 20XX Estimated Tax Payments For Corporate: Screen 10, Estimated Tax For S-Corporate: Screen 10, Estimated Tax For Fiduciary: Screen 12, Estimates (1041-ES) If the "Voucher amount (memo)" entries are the amount that was actually paid; then, on the line, 1=treat all "Voucher amount (memo)" entries as "amount paid" entries, enter a '1' and then enter the date paid on the Date line. Note: Otherwise, enter the amounts actually paid on the input fields for Amount paid and enter the Date input.



Note: Otherwise, enter the amounts actually paid on the input fields for Amount paid and enter the Date input.

The LC solution does not address when no payment was made.

The only resolution that comes to mind seems to be to delete the Voucher amount (memo)