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The following diagnostic is generating:

Form 8804, Annual Return for Partnership Withholding Tax, was generated with this tax return. Do not attach this form to Form 1065. Form 8804 must be filed separately. Refer to Form 8804 instructions for information on when and where to file this form.


The 8804 cannot be e-filed and must be sent apart from the main forms of the return. To see information in Lacerte where to file the 8804 access, Detail screen 2.1, scroll down to the 'Filing Instructions' section, and on the top line: Filing Instructions: 1=yes, 2=no [O] enter a 1 for Yes. Next, check the box next to 'Annual Return for Partnership Withholding Tax (8804)' This will trigger the 8804 Filing Instructions on the Forms tab so they can see when and where to file this form. This diagnostic is not e-file critical and will not prevent e-file if ignored .

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