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The following diagnostic is generating: I can't seem to find what is triggering this in Lacerte - efile: IT-RD 2009 - GA Research & Development credits and shouldn't even be applicable to this return. The return is an 1120-S Real Estate leasing company. Can anyone help me troubleshoot how to clear this?

2023 SCO GA E-file Critical Diagnostic Ref. 2050914 Generating Erroneously

This unexpected behavior has been addressed in a program update available May 8, 2024 (Version 44.0508)

Note: If this behavior caused an e-file rejection, you will need to update the program and review your return prior to re-transmission.


Because this diagnostic can prevent e-file, you'll need to disable the e-file error checking in order to transmit.

  1. Verify all additional diagnostics have been addressed.
  2. Click the E-file dropdown menu.
  3. Click e-file Support Tools.
  4. Select Disable e-file Error....
  5. Click OK.

This will temporarily disable e-file error checking. The program will reset automatically to continue checking for errors prior to e-file. 

Thank you!  I will update as soon as I return from vacation.  Greatly appreciate your diligence!