Please Add Form 8864 Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel Fuels Credit
Here is the efile Error Message generated in ProSeries:
Your client's federal return is not eligible for electronic filing due to the following reason: You have an amount on Form 3800, Part III, Line 1l from Form 8864. ProSeries does not support this information to filed electronically.
Thanks for the idea. We are changing the status to "Open for voting" since it is no longer considered "New". If you have any questions on the life cycle of an idea, check out our Idea Getting Started Guide for more information.
On behalf of Intuit thank you for visiting the Intuit wishing well. Please deposit any loose change you may have into the well if you would like your wishes to even have the slightest chance of coming true. Actually dropping in a credit card into the well will give you a better chance for those wishes to come true.
Thanks to your feedback, we’ve made Intuit® ProSeries® Tax better than ever. From smart security features to all-new e-file capabilities, you can count on ProSeries to help make this tax year the best it can be.
Database replacement: To ensure you get alerts when you need them, we’ve delivered platform enhancements and an upgraded database to help deliver higher quality and reliability in ProSeries in tax year 2020 and beyond.
Better filtering options for heightened efficiency: For tax year 2020, you will be able to drill down with multiple column filters and search functionality to locate single return or group of returns.
Improved stability: We’re making ProSeries more reliable by studying the issues that generate the most calls from customers like you. Plus, you can access helpful articles when you get an error message if you prefer to troubleshoot the issue on your own.
Community: Listening to your ideas
ProSeries Tax Idea Exchange: Now you can share your ideas with us and get updates on their status – under review, accepted, or implemented.
Just for clarification purposes, if you look in the dictionary, "listening" and "doing" do not mean the same thing. Along those same lines, I wonder if Intuit will be satisfied next year if I tell them that I "listened" to my ProSeries invoice or if they actually are going to make me "pay" the invoice. As a side note, I think up these ideas during the day so these kinds of thoughts don't keep me up at night. 😴
I am renewing my 20th annual request to add Form 8864 to the ProSeries software!!
My client just received a $20,000 Notice of Intent to Levy from the IRS because we were forced to mail his 50 page 2019 return to the IRS due to ProSeries not having a simple half-page Form 8864. When we mailed the return to the IRS, they lost his QBID Form 8995-A and recalculated the tax. After several calls to the IRS and 2 days on hold the last IRS agent told us there is nothing he can do. This could have all been avoided if ProSeries had included a simple 12 line Form 8864 so the return could be e-filed. I think next year we will look elsewhere for our tax software!!!
More problems with ProSeries not having Form 8864.
Follow-up to my post on 01-12-2021. After more than 15 hours on hold with the IRS and then taking our client to the local IRS office, we finally resolved the $20,000 fiasco caused by ProSeries not allowing us to e-file his 2019 tax return. We can't charge our client for all this wasted time!
Here is the latest: We had to mail thirteen 2020 tax returns to the IRS last year because ProSeries still does not allow e-filing when claiming the Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel Fuels Credit on Form 8864. So far, we have received notices that 8 of those tax returns were never received by the IRS even though they show a credit for the taxes paid by check mailed in the same envelope with those returns. I am so tired of this crap!! Why can't ProSeries get their sh** together and add a simple half-page, 12-line, Form 8864 to their software?
It is too late to switch tax software for 2021 but next year, after using ProSeries since 1996, we are definitely looking elsewhere.
I really, really, really need Intuit ProSeries [PS] to add Form 8864 Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel Fuels Credit into the program. I cannot e-file returns that contain Form 8864 because Intuit does not include the form in the PS software. The IRS is terrible at processing paper returns which causes all sorts of problems for the client, and then for me.
Please add Form 8864 to the PS program.
Can I get some votes from my fellow PS users? Thank you!
Thanks for the idea. We are changing the status to "Open for voting" since it is no longer considered "New". If you have any questions on the life cycle of an idea, check out our Idea Getting Started Guide for more information.
Form 8864 is a very simple form. The info for my clients comes from their LLC K-1 and gets entered onto Form 8864, line 9. Then the amount gets entered onto Form 3800 which is already in the PS software. IF PS adds Form 8864 the returns can be e-filed.
Our firm is in the same boat as many others on ProSeries not having the capabilities of e-filing the Biodiesel and Renewable Diesiel Fuels Credit Form 8864. We must file these returns on paper which no longer is an acceptable method to file since they may of may not be processed by the IRS. Therefore, Proseries must have some alternative method to get these forms e-filed that I am not aware of. Please provide me the method used by Proseries to e-file the Form 8864.
Thank you,
John Morrow CPA, Cell: 712-830-3121 or email [email address removed]
My clients are not themselves producing Biodiesel. They are receiving a Form1065 K-1 with their share of the Biodiesel tax credit reported on their K-1.
@IntuitGabi I only need to be able to access lines 10 and 11 of the current [2023] rendition of Form 8864 to enter the K-1 flow through amount onto the Form 8864. In ProSeries, the amounts that are to appear on Form 8864 are already correctly populating onto the correct line of Form 3800.
If ProSeries can add the Form 8864, or allow a pdf attachment Form 8864, it would eliminate a great many returns from having to be paper filed into the black hole of the IRS paper return processing department never to be seen or heard of again. If we could efile these returns it would stop the deluge of computer generated IRS notices requesting that which they already possess. If these returns could be efiled I am certain that the IRS would be much obliged to Intuit.
Form 8864 is now available in Lacerte. Please add it into ProSeries too.
Hi @The_AntiTax_Man This is what I learned-- This form is not on the roadmap to be supported for ProSeries TY22. Form 8864, although not currently supported, is a form the team is scheduled to review. I've let the team know the interest and included this thread.
@IntuitGabi I have done additional research on e-filing Form 8864. Please select Form 8453 in the ProSeries 2022 software list of forms. You will see on the bottom half of Form 8453 there are eleven check-the-box choices. The tenth box down from the top is: [ ] Form 8864 - attach the appropriate certificates and, if applicable, the appropriate reseller statements for biodiesel, renewable diesel, and sustainable aviation fuel claims.
What is the procedure to activate Form 8453? I can find no other way to activate it other than to override and check-the-box for Form 8864. Overriding and checking the checkbox activates Form 8453 and populates all of the fields for name, address, and SS# at the top of Form 8453.
Per the IRS instructions, I will need to mail Form 8453 to the IRS within 3 business days after receiving acknowledgement from my intermediate electronic filing service transmitter, which is Intuit, that the IRS has accepted the electronically filed return. If I do not receive an acknowledgement from my intermediate service transmitter, which is Intuit, I am instructed by the IRS instructions to contact said service transmitter, which is Intuit.
So, in order to comply with the IRS instructions for Form 8453 and mail form Form 8864, with Form 8453, to the IRS at Austin, TX, I first need Intuit to transmit the Form 8864 return to the IRS and I need to receive an acknowledgement back from my transmitter, Intuit, that the IRS has accepted the electronically filed return.
Please explain to me how this will work. I do not want to e-file a Form 8864 return that Intuit is just going to automatically reject before even transmitting it on to the IRS.
This post requires an advisory back from you @IntuitGabi . Thank you in advance for your quick response.
Can you help me? Using 2022 ProSeries 1040 how do I e-file a tax return that contains a Form 8864 via my intermediate service transmitter (Intuit), then receive an acknowledgement back from the IRS via my intermediate service transmitter (Intuit), so that I can then paper file Form 8453 (included in the 2022 ProSeries forms list) with a paper Form 8864 attached to said Form 8453 within three days of receipt of the IRS e-file acknowledgement to the IRS Service Center at Austin, TX?
I'm not sure, but @IntuitGabiU may be working on this? I haven't heard anything yet.
Where oh where, in 2022 ProSeries 1040, is theElectronic Filing Information Worksheet located?
Follow these steps to generate Form 8453 for other than Schedule D.
Open theFederal Information Worksheet.
Scroll down toPart VI - Electronic Filing of Tax Return Information.
Mark the checkbox labeledFile federal return electronically.
Go to the Electronic Filing Information Worksheet.
Scroll down to theOption of Transmitting the Forms as PDF with the Electronic Submission or Mailing the Forms with Form 8453: U.S. Individual Income Tax Transmittal for an IRS e-file Returnsection.
This is near the bottom of theElectronic Filing Information Worksheet.
Scroll down and mark any applicable checkboxes.
Make sure Form 8453 is present in the return (and that the applicable boxes are checked).
To access the "Electronic Filing Information Worksheet" you need to search for "EF Info Wks" to take you to it.
Scroll down to the bottom of the 'EF Info Wks' until you see:
These forms are not supported in ProSeries. You may print a completed form to mail with your Form 8453, please check the applicable box(es).
Form 8864, attach the Certificate for Biodiesel ..................... [ X ] (Mark the box with an X.)
Then use the "QuickZoom to Form 8453" to access Form 8453.
The Form 8453 is now activated. Name and address fields are populated. Scroll down to:
[ X ] Form 8864 - appropriate certificates and, if applicable, the appropriate reseller statements for biodiesel, renewable diesel, and sustainable aviation fuel claims (Mark the box with an X.)
Ok @IntuitGabi I have taken all of the required steps in the previous post. Form 8864 has been filled out, and Form 8453 has been activated. The Electronic Filing red ERROR warning is still showing in ProSeries as follows:
Your client's federal return is not eligible for electronic filing due to the following reason:
You have an amount on Form 3800, Part III, line 1l from Form 8864. ProSeries does not support this information to be filed electronically.
How do I bypass the e-file ERROR warning and upload the return to Intuit for transmission to the IRS?
@The_AntiTax_Man It's my understanding you submit Form 8453 and attach Form 8864 because ProSeries does not support the e-filing of Form 8864. It seems like its one or the other. Have you tried attaching Form 8864 and related documents to the return instead of including Form 8864 in the return?
To assist to our fullest, we'll need a Sanitized file. Please contact support so we can guide you through e-filing or paper filing Form 8864.