You can put it in the column currently reserved for the pointless box 3 Non-dividend distribution box and move THAT to the Dividend Income worksheet.  1099A dividends are quite common.

Thanks for the idea. We are changing the status to "Open for voting" since it is no longer considered "New". If you have any questions on the life cycle of an idea, check out our Idea Getting Started Guide for more information.

Status: Open for voting
Vote now if this is a good idea
Level 15

I like that one.  If I had two accounts setup, I would log back in and vote again.

Level 9

I must have a lot of clients with bad investments since I see a lot more Non-dividend distributions than I see 199A dividends.

Level 15
Level 15

Im seeing more and more of the 199A divs.

Level 5

That's surprising, poolcleaner but even so, it's a meaningless entry.  It needs to be demoted to the worksheet.

Level 9

You are correct......it is meaningless while 199A has a good chance of changing the tax liability.


Level 11
Level 11

I agree.. seeing more and more 199A dividends. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open for voting

Thanks for the idea. We are changing the status to "Open for voting" since it is no longer considered "New". If you have any questions on the life cycle of an idea, check out our Idea Getting Started Guide for more information.

Level 5

I keep getting e-mails about all the 'kudos' I am collecting for this idea i suggested almost 2 1/2 years ago, yet Intuit continues to ignore it even though there is ZERO downside to implementing it. #tonedeaftoyourcustomers

Level 15

But the whole purpose of this exercise is to make people feel better by suggesting things ------------- not necessarily to actually make the requested changes.