Level 15

"But according to the life cycle information provided, this item shouldn't be open for voting because it isn't more than 30 days old. "


If it makes you feel better, there are often suggestions that don't change to "open for voting" until much longer than 30 days.  So maybe they are trying for a 30 day average.  🤣

On a similar note, the concept of "changing" the status to "open for voting" is bizarre.  The wording almost seems to imply that you can't vote on a "new" one - you need to wait until it is changed to "open for voting".


And of course the obvious - the voting has absolutely nothing to do with if Intuit doing anything about it.  A year or two ago a nice ProSeries developer came on the forum asking for suggestions.  I was absolutely appalled when he admitted that he never heard of the suggestion box.  So if the developers don't even know about it, it is apparent that Intuit never had any intention of using the suggestions.