Level 15

But according to the life cycle information provided, this item shouldn't be open for voting because it isn't more than 30 days old.  So how does this get "un-opened" so we can follow community rules?  I would hate to think what would happen to this place if everybody just started to not follow the rules 😱

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

"But according to the life cycle information provided, this item shouldn't be open for voting because it isn't more than 30 days old. "


If it makes you feel better, there are often suggestions that don't change to "open for voting" until much longer than 30 days.  So maybe they are trying for a 30 day average.  🤣

On a similar note, the concept of "changing" the status to "open for voting" is bizarre.  The wording almost seems to imply that you can't vote on a "new" one - you need to wait until it is changed to "open for voting".


And of course the obvious - the voting has absolutely nothing to do with if Intuit doing anything about it.  A year or two ago a nice ProSeries developer came on the forum asking for suggestions.  I was absolutely appalled when he admitted that he never heard of the suggestion box.  So if the developers don't even know about it, it is apparent that Intuit never had any intention of using the suggestions.

Level 15

Yeah, that open for voting stuff has always seemed a little silly so today I got curious and checked out the link.  I will leave it at that since the last time I criticized the Intuit suggestion box I had to go to the principal's office. 😶

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

It was nice if you could make these posts tamper proof.  Why in the world are our comments from an idea exchange post now dangling on their own over here?

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Community Manager
Community Manager

@IRonMaN @TaxGuyBill Thank you for your concern, I can take a look at the Getting Started guide for improvements. 

Related: If there are any updates to the ProSeries Idea Exchange enhancements, they will likely be shared in the first few months of next year; product launch is our priority at this time. Continue to vote and comment on your favorites so our teams can scope what it'd take to bring the enhancement to reality. Updates will be listed on the enhancement itself.

As a reminder, replies that go against the guidelines or terms of service can be subject to removal and infringement can lead to read-only access on your profile. Kindly keep your contributions relevant. Here are the guidelines and terms of service.

0 Cheers
Level 15

But all of our contributions are relevant ——- they are at least relevant to what we have on our minds at the time we post😁

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers