Level 3
E-file was rejected, but everything looks fine on
0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

What does the rejection say?   Is it about your EFIN?

0 Cheers
Level 3

Thanks for quick response! 

I apologize the rest of my question did not post!  Yes, it is EFIN.  Here is the error:

"If the first two digits of the EFIN in the IRS Submission Manifest are 10, 21, 32, 44 or 53, then 'OriginatorTypeCd' in the Return Header must have the value "OnlineFiler". 


I checked on the IRS website, and it says I am approved for Modern E-File.  

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

I feel like Ive seen someone else get this message, maybe not in here, but a different preparer messageboard.

You may want to log into your E-Services account to be sure they didnt change your EfFIN for some reason, or give them a call and speak with someone.

Level 3

Adding the solution here in case anyone else makes the same mistake I did. 

When applying for e-services, I incorrectly selected online provider so was issued an EFIN that corresponds to that category.  The IRS was able to end date that EFIN and grant me a new EFIN as an ERO.  

Once Intuit approves my new EFIN, I plan to resubmit and am hoping for great success!

View solution in original post

Level 15
Level 15

Thank you for updating with the solution!

Level 2

Thank You!  I'm getting this same rejection error message.  

Level 2

How long did it take them to reissue a new EFIN?  Did you do this by changing your efile services application online?  

0 Cheers
Level 3

I waited on hold forever with the IRS then she was able to issue me a new EFIN over the phone, but yes make sure you have access to your efiler account info before you call.  It was an hour or two but that was pre COVID so not sure what the wait times are like now.  Make sure you call the number for E filers, not the generic IRS number for tax payers.  Hope this helps! Good luck!

Level 1

Hi, Did they close the other EFIN "office" or do you have multiple offices on the application with the same EFIN?  

0 Cheers
Level 3

I am not sure what you mean. I work for myself out of my home.  I just selected the wrong EFIN category when applying..oops!

0 Cheers
Level 1

I work from home too.  On the IRS Efile application initial entry landing page shows 4 choices.  It doesn't matter which one I select because they refer to the same EFIN.  I had made the same error as you did, initially.  I have dropped everything  except ERO.  It still doesn't work and the IRS live support is not being manned currently.  


0 Cheers
Level 2

I have exactly the same issue and no one is currently answering the e-file help number. I have Online Provider, ERO, and Transmitter all under the same EFIN number. 

Of course, this is the first time I have e-filed for a client so I figured it was probably something I did.

It sounds like we have to call to fix it, but there is no one to call at the moment.




0 Cheers
Level 3

Sounds frustrating!  Hang in there!  I bet they shift some resources back to this area soon. 

0 Cheers
Level 2

Has anyone found a way to fix it without calling them?

Level 2
HI Nancy, I am in the same boat and cant't reach the IRS. Were you able to fix it by yourself? If so could you share how you did that. I need to file these returns ASAP. Thanks!
0 Cheers
Level 2

Hi, I need the same info. Please let me know if you hear anything. Much appreciated!

0 Cheers
Level 2

Hi, I am looking for a solution to the same problem with EFIN. If you got it resolved, would you kindly share it with me. Much appreciated! 

0 Cheers
Level 2

Hi, could you tell me what types of Provider Options do you have listed under your IRS account. I am having the same problems with EFIN and two returns were rejected now. Your reply will be much appreciated!

0 Cheers
Level 2

Now that your EFIN is correct, when you log into your e-services account and view your completed application, does it have only ERO under "Provider Option(s)"?

0 Cheers
Level 2

I do have ERO for profit and nonprofit. I dropped all the other types and resubmitted again. It's pending


0 Cheers
Level 2

However my EFIN number still starts with 44. I dropped Online provider and transmitter. Is that correct?

0 Cheers
Level 3

Electronic Return Originator is the only accepted solution. 

Online Provider shows as dropped. 

0 Cheers
Level 2

Do you show two types of ERO: for profit and non for profit? Or I should just show " for profit"

0 Cheers
Level 2

Does your EFIN start with 44...?

0 Cheers
Level 1

No.  I have not fixed it.  I have not tried any other returns.  My clients have been satisfied to print and mail their returns.  I will fix it for next year.  It just is not worth the stress right now.  Plus, the IRS is having transmission delays.  If I get the desire to try again and resolve it I will post it and keep looking to see if someone else resolves it.  My EFIN begins with 10 and is on the list included in the error.  

0 Cheers
Level 1

Our EFINs should only have ERO.  But even dropping the other options doesn't resolve it.  I have reinstalled the product.  I resubmitted my EFIN 4 times to INTUIT.  I have done every update on my computer and in the software.  I am just suggesting to my clients to mail their returns and not efile.


0 Cheers
Level 2

Mine begins with 21 which is also on the list.

I dropped the Online Provider and Transmitter, but of course, that doesn't change the EFIN number. I will try transmitting again tomorrow and let you know if it works but I sincerely doubt it.

I don't recall seeing that you could not have more than one provider type, but there is so much information out there that doesn't say a whole lot of specifics,

0 Cheers
Level 2

As expected, it just rejected again. I wonder if you could drop all of them and reapply? If we have to have our clients all sign and send in paper returns anyway...

As expected, dropping Online Provider and Transmitter and leaving just ERO did not work and retransmitting failed with the same explanation as before.

I did call Proconnect just to see if they could do anything, but it has to be the IRS to fix it.

I am planning to do paper returns, then go in and drop ERO and see if it will let me reapply. 

Thank goodness for the extension, Sounds like the IRS really needed the extension to with all that is going on.


0 Cheers
Level 2

I just wanted to share that I resolved the issue. I "closed the office" on my original application and started a new application and only checked ERO for profit. I received a new EFIN instantly. Proconnect just verified it and I successfully e-filed.  Hopefully it will work for you!

Level 2

Wow, thanks so much. I will try that. Cancelling just the ERO and reapplying didn't take care of it and, of course, the phone lines are still closed.

0 Cheers
Level 2

Did you have to re-enter everything?

0 Cheers
Level 2

Just basic info, seemed like they had everything else saved in the system already. I was surprised how easy and fast it was

0 Cheers
Level 2

What did you click to reapply? It gives be add a new location, replaced authorized user, or report?


0 Cheers
Level 2

I clicked to start a new application. And did whatever they asked me to do. Def added Authorized Person, Owner, etc

0 Cheers
Level 2

It was stuck on the landing page. I had to log in to another browser to get the New Application button.  Always something...

0 Cheers
Level 2

Ok done and re-submitted new EFIN to ProConnect. They must have it on automatic if all your fingerprints, etc. are done.


0 Cheers
Level 2

ProConnect change of EFIN was approved this morning. I updated the software and the IRS accepted the eFile. Woo Hoo!

Thank you for your help 🙂


0 Cheers
Level 15

Aren't you  required to efile?

What are you putting on the 8948?

The more I know the more I don’t know.
0 Cheers
Level 1

Where Can I see the solution, it is frustrating that I cannot find it


0 Cheers
Level 15

Page down to the bottom of the thread & click on "solution"  Or almost to the bottom is the "solution" in the green edged box.

You do realize tho, that this is a three (almost) year old thread and that solution may not work now.

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 1

Just open the first page of the return 1040,1120, 1065 and there is a blank field atthe very top, there you write ""OnlineFiler""

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