Level 1

I have two clients who are US citizens, but live abroad. Both work remotely and both had state income withholding for the state that they had previously been a resident of. I would like to file state returns so they can get a refund of the money that was erroneously withheld. I have no problem generating a state return for a resident or a non-resident getting no refund. But I'm not sure what I'm missing in order to file a non-resident state return for a refund. Any ideas? The states are GA and KS, if that helps. 

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Level 15

This will likely end up being paper filed. 

In Profile - add the two states. In client information "I think" you enter resident state as US should help you do the input for the two states. Enter the withholding from the states you have forms for. You likely then would make an "Other Income" with minus for "Remote work" netting zero income but withholding for the two states. I really not think these will e-file, but you can test that theory and report back.

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