Hi George4Tacks, I really appreciate your efforts in trying to solve this!!

For the benefit of @ProConnectHelp I'll restate the facts:

Tax year 2023 Florida depreciation decouples from Federal- not simply disallowing Federal bonus, but spreading it out over 7 years, beginning with 2023.  Here is a site for the Florida reference- see Bonus Depreciation.  https://floridarevenue.com/taxes/tips/Documents/TIP_23C01-04.pdf

Info for the test example.  Fixed asset $5000, placed in service 04/13/2023, 5 yr class live, Half Year convention.  (ProConnect method input #53 5yr MACRS).

Federal depreciation 4200 (4000 bonus + 200 MACRS)

Florida depreciation- on the F-1065 it reflects 4000 addition (bonus), and 571 subtraction (1/7th bonus)- this is correct.

However, the Florida Depreciation Schedule reflects 2500 bonus + 500 MACRS total depreciation (it totals 3000 depreciation expense but is not combined on the schedule)- this is incorrect.

On this example, I am expecting the Florida Depreciation Schedule to reflect no bonus, and current depreciation expense of 771 (Fed depreciation 4200 - 4000 bonus + 571 1/7th bonus)