Level 1

I would love to have one or two check boxes next to each Personal Questionnaire (Q&A) item and each document uploaded by our clients.   This would help with workflow in our tax practice.  It allows the preparer and the reviewer to know which items have been entered or reviewed in the tax software.   It also helps when clients add more documents after sending questions to them.   Because prior items are already checked off, it is easy to see which documents or Q&A comments are newly added by the client. 

The TY2016 Tax Link had this feature.  Each row would turn a darker shade of gray after being checked off.   Please bring back some aspect of this feature.  Very helpful in creating efficiencies in the tax preparation and review work flow.    Thanks in advance for considering this enhancement for mid-season implementation this TY2018 tax prep year!     From 20 year veteran of Intuit ProSeries and PTO for last 3 seasons.