Level 2

I'm trying to Eifile since the IRS started accepting returns today, but i'm getting this error message regarding 2022 return "

E-file Transmission Failure

The IRS and states have temporarily stopped accepting transmissions of TY22 Individual e-file returns. The IRS and states will not accept transmissions of 2022 Individual e-file submissions until January 2024. When the IRS and states open for e-file processing, you can once again resume transmitting TY22 e-file submissions. Problem occurred transmitting efile data.

and this Error message regarding 2023 Returns :

E-file Transmission Failure

The Electronic Filing Center is not yet accepting returns for tax year 2023. For the most current information and e-file availability, please visit // select the link for ProConnect Tax Online support and then the link for EF Atlas under e-File Resources. Problem occurred transmitting efile data.