Level 2

I recently had a client remove me from the My Accountant role in Quickbooks Online. I have no problem with that. HOWEVER...when I logged into ProConnect to download old tax returns for their company the tax returns I prepared on Proconnect Online are they never existed. They did not move to inactive, they are just gone.


Something is VERY wrong here. The email I got said the Following: 

This is to confirm that XXXXXXXXXX has removed your accountant access to the QuickBooks Online company XYZ Company.

You will not find XYZ Company in your client list anymore, but you will still see them as a customer in the sales area of QuickBooks.

QBO and Proconnect should NOT be talking to each other in this way. The tax return history is my records and has nothing to do with the QBO subscription nor my access to their QBO. GET THIS FIXED ASAP!