Level 2

I recently had a client remove me from the My Accountant role in Quickbooks Online. I have no problem with that. HOWEVER...when I logged into ProConnect to download old tax returns for their company the tax returns I prepared on Proconnect Online are they never existed. They did not move to inactive, they are just gone.


Something is VERY wrong here. The email I got said the Following: 

This is to confirm that XXXXXXXXXX has removed your accountant access to the QuickBooks Online company XYZ Company.

You will not find XYZ Company in your client list anymore, but you will still see them as a customer in the sales area of QuickBooks.

QBO and Proconnect should NOT be talking to each other in this way. The tax return history is my records and has nothing to do with the QBO subscription nor my access to their QBO. GET THIS FIXED ASAP!

Level 15

Intuit is like a cancer.  It doesn't seem to just stay put in one entity.  Instead it seems like if you do something in one of their products it affects other products which can get a bit scary at times.  Since this place is "staffed" by other users of the products, nobody here can help you.  You really need to call support to see who kidnapped your files.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 2

Tried Proconnect help first, they couldn't do anything. Wanted me to add their support team as a Full user to help the issue. Now working with QBO to find out what triggered the problem. Seems like when the client removed my access Intuit decided to delete them as a "client" from my list. So as it stand right now QBO and PCO are pointing fingers. 

The client should have just went to "inactive" not removed completely.


Consider this a PSA.

Level 2

I have an old client requesting a copy of last year's return and I've been spinning my wheels for the last 30 minutes or so trying to figure out where the return went. Did you ever figure out how to retrieve the returns?

0 Cheers
Level 15

You retrieve them from the pdf copy that you so carefully kept, JUST IN CASE!

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 2

I contacted support and they had me add their support team as a user on my pro connect account and give it that roll full access. They then repaired the return so they would show up on my profile again. Very odd method of fixing the issue but it worked. 

Level 11

I hav always eared something like this could happen. Theror rather than rely on the system keeping a copy for me I always make sure I keep a printed copy also.

Level 2

So this seems to be an issue no matter where you delete a client all the things go with them. I deleted a client from mailchimp and now they do not appear in either QBO or PTO.  HELP>

Level 2

I hope this works for me, too.  My client's Quickbooks person did not have permission to access my tax returns.  This seems like a violation of privacy  as well as an endangerment of my EA credential.

Monday can't come fast enough.

0 Cheers
Level 2

Happened to me as well.  My client's Quickbooks person did not have permission to access my tax returns.  This seems like a violation of privacy  as well as an endangerment of my EA credential.  How could this happen?

Is there a fix out there--Maryland is playing around with Pass Through Entities and this is not the time to usurp privacy-covered data.

0 Cheers
Level 2

And what you get is a pdf copy.  You do not get the supporting entries, the tax calculations, the carryover information, your privacy commitment to your client, nor have you complied with Section 230.  I am appalled and holding onto adjustments from a state that is attempting to tax flow through entities.  I need the digital entries and navigations.

0 Cheers
Level 2

Wait -- I am NOT the QB person.  I am the Tax Preparer.  Does it relate to my sharing a Google Drive w/client & former GB person?  This AI stuff doesn't connect, doesn't distinguish one account from another.  If I recall, I was in ProConnect but got switched to QB platform because my question involved QB.  No bothers that it's a ProConnect issue.  My phone # [removed] in case some one has an immediate insert to this.


0 Cheers
Level 2

Rocky, You are right.  There is a compliance issue with that.  These are the things we can expect from AI.  Artificial pretty much relates to Dumb.  In our field, the platform needs to be thoroughly vetted before implemented.  Furthermore, this is NOT how I treat a customer.  I am so frustrated.  I need to respond to the State of Maryland before the 18th.

0 Cheers
Level 2 mean this happened as early as the first of the year!   I am a small customer.  I must have to wait in a long line.

0 Cheers
Level 15

You are still posting in the ProConnect subforum; this is not the QB Community and you were not shifted anywhere.

You updated a topic that Rocky started from nearly a year ago. There are no other new participants here; just your postings. Also, this forum is not a customer support forum, but a peer user community. It's on the internet, so that is why you should not post phone # or other personal identifiers, to avoid spammer/scammer activity.

Your situation has nothing to do with Google sharing. It's an internal Intuit ID tie-in that is marketing, really. It's been brought up before that being both the tax preparer of a QBO client which allows you to port over the data, also breaks that connectivity when you are no longer working for the client on the QBO side.

I'm not aware of any AI involvement in this.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 1

Here is the solution.

In Proconnect, go to settings > manage and invite users > click on "edit" next to user name > go to client access and make sure the client(s) you are looking for are checked there.

It appears that when the QBO access is removed, the client is unchecked in the client access section. Not gone, just not assigned to you any more. Same functionality in QBO with manage your team.

Level 1

My client removed me as an Accountant user since services over. I lost return and all as well. I contacted ProConnect and they walked me through on how to retrieve information of client. 

Here you go......

Go to gear icon in right corner 

Manage & invite user

then go under your name And edit

go to bottom to Access Clients

use search bar and client name will appear. Add them

All info of client comes back!!!

0 Cheers