Level 4

I have a new client to me this year who has a Form CSA 1099-R with a Taxable amount in Box 2a, a Distribution Code 7-NONDISABILITY in Box 7, and a Total Employee Contributions in Box 9b (see attached photo).

csa 1099 R redacted-resized.jpg


This client is my first client with a distribution from an annuity and I have never prepared tax returns for which I had to calculate the taxable amount using the Simplified Method or the General Rule. Am I correct that because my client's Form CSA 1099R has a Taxable amount in Box 2a that I don't need to input any information in the fields under Annuities tab in ProConnect Tax Online (see attached photo), but only need to complete the Payer Information section and enter boxes 1-11 as they appear on the form received in the fields under the Form 1099-R tab (see attached photos)?

Screenshot 2021-03-28 Form 1099-R Annuities.jpg

Screenshot 2021-03-28 Form 1099-R Details 1.jpg

Screenshot 2021-03-28 Form 1099-R Details 2.jpg


0 Cheers