Level 5

1/5/22: Somehow my original post got cut off.  Below are all of the details of this issue with screenshots:

I have two 1065 K-1s and one 1099-DIV with foreign taxes paid ($4,583, $1, and $3, respectively).  I have all linked to Form 1116 on the K-1 and Schedule B Additional Info worksheets as follows:

K-1 Addl Info.pngSch B Addl Info.png

Although the foreign taxes paid do show up on the Form 1116, I'm also seeing some of a completely different amount on the Schedule A that indicates it is pulling the data from the K-1s:

Sch A.png

Cross-referencing the source of Schedule A, Line 6 shows the following:


Resolved: While I thought the foreign taxes from the 1065 K-1s and 1099-DIV were all that I entered into the return, I discovered that there was foreign taxes on some 1041 K-1s that I had overlooked.  On the worksheets for those, I had neglected to link the Form 1116 and had checked the box indicating the election of a Schedule A deduction.  Remedying these resolved the issue with the Schedule A and properly added the taxes to the Form 1116.