Level 2

After two disappointing and frustrating attempts at getting a satisfactory answer to this specific question I finally today reached a supervisor - Tiffany, who actually understood the question, was not reading from a script and furthermore understood my concern that yes - I can override the error message and efile the return but more importantly would my clients payment be automatically with drawn on 6/15 and was there anyway to find that out before it was to late to make an on time payment. 

Tiffany assured me that the auto withdraw would work and furthermore after the returns is accepted by the IRS I can call a PS agent and ask them to check and they will be able to see if the money withdraw was recognized.  

Th error message is just a program check and balance and should not interfere with the auto payments. 

I so appreciated her knowledge and clarity after battling representative incompetence and/or lack of understanding the last few days - I was getting replies like update your program and mail in a paper me both insulting and backwards - so thank you Tiffany and I hope this can help others.