Level 11

Dems have introduced to the House Ways & Means Committee to push the April 15th deadline to July 15th (this year only).  Let's hope we find out before April 14th.......

Level 15

I heard the vote is scheduled for April 13th😯

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

@IRonMaN wrote:

I heard the vote is scheduled for April 13th😯

I heard it was scheduled for April 16th.   😂

Level 15

In my defense, my hearing isn't what it used to be 😁

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

Oh please no...we don't need another train wreck like last year just giving clients a reason to procrastinate.

Leave it where it is and let us get it overwith.

Level 15

"just giving clients a reason to procrastinate."

They aren't already procrastinating?

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 11

oops...my bad

Procrastinate LONGER!!

That better...lol.

Level 15

A bill being introduced means almost nothing. The vast majority of bills don't go anywhere.

As for any potential change to the due date, I don't see why.  The IRS has already said they can handle the April 15th due date.  If taxpayers want to wait longer, they can easily file a 6 month extension.

Level 15

Looks like Iron Man was right... February 15th post

Level 15

We'll see if those ACME mind reading classes pay off.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

What makes the biggest difference is the P&I that would start to accrue from April 15 if the deadline is not postponed.

Personally, I don't see how the IRS can cope in spite of the latest statement that they are ready to "help taxpayers meet the April 15 deadline".  Social distancing measures are also adding time to normal routine.


Still an AllStar
Level 7

don't want a train wreck, but we have already pulled out of the station. 7 and 1/2 weeks left of season-forms not ready for another week or so--maryland changing up on us 4 days after e-filing started--don't think there are enough hours/days left for me to complete my normal number of returns, let alone the extras I am getting because the senior centers are closed here(baltimore county)

Level 15

If I was the conductor, I would head to the back of the train ---------------- just in case 🚄

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Don't forget all the filings done already for/by people with UI, and the Durbin bill is for making some of that 2020 unemployment nontaxable. There's never time to hurry up and wait, but there's going to be time to do it twice.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers