Level 15

@Ms Isaac 

You hit the nail on the head. The Paying Customers here have asked intuit for Years to require a license code for these forums.

Just because Intuit never locked access to this user forum by asking you to use a License Code to prove you bought one of the programs that cost a professional tax preparer tens of thousands of dollars every year, is no reason to act as if you can pop into a person's workplace and berate the people here who are simply trying to do their jobs.

You are certainly welcome to go to a Social Media platform and complain there. Because this is not a Social Site. This is a Workplace. You seem to want to use that argument for why you can Barge In, but you would not do this in real life to people who are at their desks and trying to work.


Did you even have a question for how your client's IRA withdrawal might be treated as a Disaster withdrawal subject to the 3-year rule? Because this topic is in the Intuit Accountant Community and the Title is for tax form 8915-E using the ProSeries Tax Preparation program.

Otherwise, you are lost on the internet.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers