Level 5

FinePrint software--I've been using it in conjunction with ProSeries for longer than I can remember. Tried to print my first return today--the boilerplate form is all gibberish, but the data entries are printing OK. However, ProSeries will make a pdf that looks great. And if I change the printer so it goes straight to my laser printer, it looks great there, too. Any suggestions? Anyone else having this issue?

Cross-posted to FB.

0 Cheers
Level 3


Printing gibberish on forms

Letter is fine

Pdf is fine

Level 4

The gibberish thing in FinePrint, what federal or state causes that? For example: is it Individual Minnesota?

Is it happening in both federal and state?

When did you update ProSeries last time?

Are you using Professional or Basic?

0 Cheers
Level 5

Fabian: For me, it's a federal Form 1065 as well as a federal Form 1040. I haven't tried printing a state yet. I'm using ProSeries Professional and updates are downloaded every night. I'm not at that workstation right now, but I recall seeing the January 29 update being installed.

0 Cheers
Level 4

Is your definition of "gibberish" similar with what has been reported at (

If it's not the same, can you please take a picture and post it here. Create a fake return with random information in it. Use the camera button right above where you type your reply.

0 Cheers
Level 3

Prints ok on Letter, worksheets

Gibberish on Forms - Federal Forms -this is form 104020210131_215341 (002).jpg

occurring on all printers (nine different printers)

worked fine last Saturday Jan 23

Windows 10 pro

Professional - Pro Series


On federal Forms 1040 etc



0 Cheers
Level 5

And here is mine in FinePrint

1040 in FinePrint-page-001.jpg

Level 5

I checked for updates just before printing that.

Level 15

You don’t even get a loon for all of your efforts 🙁

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
S Kanarek
Level 1

We are having this issue printing to file cabinet.

0 Cheers
Level 5

@Fabian  Oops. With "Print as image" selected, ProSeries now crashes instead of printing. So I guess we could say it doesn't fix the problem.