Level 3

Having issues loading this year's tax software.  Downloaded the 2020 software back in November without any problems.  Started to notice that at the end of the year, that no updates were required. From Jan 4th to 30th, I have made 6 calls & spent over 11 hours on the phone with Pro Series Tech support removing the 2020 program (easy part) and trying to reload the program without success. Told it was my computer or network (Xfinity) was the source of the problem. Spent almost $600 on reformatting Windows after call on the Jan 8th. Spent another two hours with Xfinity security support checking my internet connection. During a call on Jan 22nd, requested CD copies for the 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020 software in an attempt to load the software.  CD's to be shipped DHL.  Learned yesterday that CD never were shipped and couldn't find out why this happen. 

The tech I talked to on on the 22nd told me that the issue was with Intuit and not on my end. She had the same problems with other users and hoped that a case would be finally opened to address this problem. Have submitted my follow up surveys with my frustration, yet heard nothing back.  I need to get this issued resolved as I need to start preparing returns and request a partial refund.  So seeking a name & phone  number of someone with the authority to make this happen.

Thank you for your assistance with this matter!

Level 15

Nope, no phone number for you but I'll try paging these folks for you.



This OP is way more polite than I would be if I'd been going thru this.... any chance you can help?


HumanKind... Be Both
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there @SwimDad 

Please be on the lookout for a private message from me on this issue.  I would be more than happy to see if I can help. 

-Betty Jo 

@abctax55 thanks for the mention

Level 15

Jeez Betty Jo, what took you so long to respond 🤣

HumanKind... Be Both
Intuit Alumni

 @IntuitBettyJo - Let me know if you need engineering assistance.

I can jump into a conference call or zoom today or tomorrow.  The vast majority of people are able to update, but we have seen several issues.

- ISPs / Firewalls like Comcast/Xfinity suddenly deciding they don't like the Proseries.com domain

- Machines getting into an Update Error 18 or Update Error 22 state. 

- Anti-virus programs quarantining us

The [installationDirectory]/appData/updateLog.txt file should point us at the right direction. 

Level 15

Hope it works out ok for you. It is a good idea to get the CD each and every year. You can request it when you reorder each year. It is usually mailed out in approximately early December. Good Luck.

0 Cheers
Level 3

Orlando - I was able to download this year's software in early Nov and seemed to be working well.  In late December is just stopped updating.  Maybe that's when the problem started with Comcast/Xfinity.  Called Tech support on Jan 8th we removed the 2020 software but could never reload it.  Couldn't reload directly or from 2019 program.  Did finally receive copies of the CD's today but want to talk to Tech support so I can reload the programs correctly.

Do you know if someone is looking into the Comcast/Xfinity issue or claiming that's not our problem? 

I might suggest that is would be great Intuit would create a group of people that are familiar with this issue to be available to address this matter.  The last couple of tech support I talked to basically gave up on helping me which is frustrating.  Thank you!

0 Cheers
Intuit Alumni

We'll need to figure this out even with CDs, since you'll need to update in order to get final forms.  What's blocking install would probably block updates too. 

See my post here with a test to diagnose, and a short term fix:


We're working on a more durable fix. I mentioned it somewhere else, but i believe the issue is that forever we've had one server side certificate for all our domains - turbotax.com, proseries.com, etc.   Turbotax.com is listed as the primary; proseries.com is listed as an alt.  It's been a common practice for years, but sounds like some vendors have started deciding they don't like that (I assume due to some abuse somewhere).  We've got a certificate lined up that's just for proseries.com and should be replacing the other one with it in a few days. Hopefully that will permanently fix the issue.

Level 3

I feared that CD's would be the silver bullet as I need updates.  So the frustration continues.


I try the two links you provided.  The Proseries comes back with

Your connection is not private

The Turbotax shows the lines of data.

So the frustration continues.  Is there a way to be contacted once the issue is addressed?  Th ewait time this evening is 35 minutes.

0 Cheers
Intuit Alumni

Have you, or are you willing to, turn off xfinity's "Protected Browsing"?


I think if you browse to this url you can turn it off https://internet.xfinity.com/network/protected-browsing

Or via the app:  https://support.simulationcurriculum.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046008614-How-To-Disable-Comcast-Xfini...


I've pushed the release of the new certificate that should address this to Feb 24th. I did not want to risk some unforeseen issue breaking things right before EF Go Live.  

If turning off Protected Browsing doesn't work or is not a palatable solution, I might be able to figure out a work-around.

Level 3

Orlando - I'm still trying to figure out the protected browsing as the article doesn't line up to what I'm seeing on my phone.  I don't think we have it as it part of parental controls & my wife & I are empty nesters.

I need a work around plan ASAP as I need to get up & running my tax business.  So I greatly appreciate any ideas.

Thank you!


0 Cheers
Intuit Alumni

@HelenC   - What did you do to disable the advanced Comcast/Xfinity feature you referenced here?



@SwimDad - I've been talking with our IT guys.. we're going to test some more tomorrow with TurboTax and if that goes well the IT Manager is signing off on updating Friday instead of Feb 24th.  I'll keep you posted. Maybe you can verify it fixes you're issue when we do flip the switch.

Level 3

Orlando - much thanks for the  update.  Took almost two hours dealing with Comcast, but got conformation that that our account DOES NOT have the protected browsing feature turn on.  

Let me ask you the following:

I need to re install 2017 through 2020 tax software to my re formatted PC.  What year should I start with?  Probably need 2019 so I can transfer the information & 2020.  Will gladly help as I have this Friday from my normal day job. Anything to get this nightmare behind me and allow me to process taxes.


Much thanks for all your assistance with this matter!

0 Cheers
Level 1

Xfinity has an instruction on how to disable it.  1) Need to sign in to your xfinity account. 2) Select xfinity xFi from your services . 3) On next screen select 'More' on the upper right hand corner of the screen. 4) Next screen shows More Options, select 'My services'.  5) the next screen will give you the option to turn off /on Advanced Security.

0 Cheers
Intuit Alumni

Thanks HelenC!  Maybe double check that, @SwimDad . I don't know if that's different than 'protected browsing'.

I'll let you know when/if we deploy this certificate change on Friday. You can see from posts like this that other sites have run into this with xfinity: https://forums.xfinity.com/t5/Your-Home-Network/your-connection-is-not-private-problem/td-p/3351709.... but I can appreciate it'd be impossible to work with them further on this, and nobody wants to be stuck between two companies pointing fingers at each other.  I'll be around over the weekend if we need to try more stuff.   In the meantime one test you might be able to run, if you're technical, is to tether your computer to your phone and try the url test (or use a trusted neighbor's non-comcast wifi). If you still can't access the file https://prodldfp.proseries.com/fa/2020/windows/proseries_core/S2020COI.xml then the issue might be a firewall on your computer.

Intuit Alumni

We've delayed the server change until Monday due to restrictions that are in place.

But, I think I have a way to get you unstuck.  I'll send you a private message with details. 

If anyone else is having this problem and can't wait til Monday, let me know here.

Level 1

Thanks for the answer, I need assistance with an issue. 

0 Cheers
Level 1

Thank very much!

0 Cheers
Level 15


1) Two year old post

2) Public forum...  advise taking down your phone number to avoid spam

3) We are volunteers/fellow software users.  None of us will be calling you.

4) You need to call support directly.

HumanKind... Be Both