Level 15

Misery loves company and Intuit isn't the only one spreading the love.  I just received an e-mail form the Thomson Reuters community with this little gem from their UltraTax users that I thought I should share:

Shari Gary

UltraTax CS- Individual and Planner

01/31/2019 at 04:11PM



So I cannot print Delaware individual returns to paper. WHY? Because TR has not had the forms approved by the Division of Revenue. For the amount of fees we pay to TR I would think this would not be an issue on January 31st. I get that we are a small state BUT my money is just as good as everyone else's. And because we are a small state I know this is a TR issue because I emailed the Director herself on Monday. Here it is Thursday and no one knows when the approval will be done.


Venting over for now ... until another client calls to see if they can pick up their return.

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Cheryl Raboin

We are from VT and are having the same issue!

Today at 07:16AM

Terry J Sheppard

UT is also waiting for Montana to provide updated forms. No one has heard why from the State.

Today at 10:00AM


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