Hi, not really sure where to put this question - my software is ProSeries Professional but this question is about a new client, an individual who did their own 2019 return with TurboTax.

On the page headed ELECTRONIC POSTMARK - CERTIFICATION OF ELECTRONIC FILING it says "Your return has been rejected by the IRS".  I asked her about this, if it ever did get accepted or if she paper filed and she said she'd never known what that statement met.

So I'm afraid the returns did not get filed.  How can she find out?  She had balances due (Fed and AZ) which she paid.  I've asked if she received correspondence.


0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

Turbotax sends a confirmation Email, Im not sure what kind of verification she can get in her TT account for prior year.

You might try asking over in the TT boards, its been a few years since I volunteered over there, I cant remember what they offer.

 TurboTax Help 

Level 9

Have her sign an 8821 Authorization for you and call the Practioner Priority line, fax the 8821 to whoever answers. Then you will be able to verify if the 2019 was filed.

Thank you!

0 Cheers

Thanks Lisa.

0 Cheers
Level 9
Level 9

You could enter her info into 2019 Proseries and e-file it when filing opens up.  If it goes thru, she never filed it.  Otherwise it will reject as duplicate SS# in IRS database.  Hopefully she sent payment in with vouchers so they have on record payment on her account.

It looks like she did not file.  TurboTax emailed her about following up and she didn't.  I told her to try it now.  If it turns out to be impossible - we'll take it from there.  Thank you!


Level 15
Level 15

She cant Efile a 2019 return with Turbotax, its just not possible after the Oct 15th extended due date, TT closes their Efile window.

0 Cheers

I see, thanks Lisa.  That's interesting.  You could do it with ProFx.  Will ProSeries Professional allow it?  Not that I really want to go that route.  She may just have to paper file.


0 Cheers
Level 15

Yes you can do prior years in ProSeries. I would not recommend anyone file anything on paper unless there is no other way. IRS still has a backlog of timely filed 2019 paper returns.

The more I know the more I don’t know.