Level 2

I prepared a 2019 federal invididual income tax return for paper filing around June 2020. As of today, IRS indicates it was not received and therefore not processed.  Today, I tried to efile this return and do not receive an error message yet I receive no acknowledgment that it is successfully uploaded to intuit.  

Please advise.  

0 Cheers

What EF Status do you see on ProSeries EF Center?

Level 15

Efile is shutdown until end of January (at least).   Also, if you mailed the return you should not efile the return.  Due to the pandemic IRS is way behind on processing mail - however, they will eventually get to it.  


Level 2

the status is return ready to transmit.   I have only efiled one business return prior to this individual return being efiled so I am not well versed.  One other response indicates that IRS is way behind on opening mail and processing returns.  

Thank you for responding to my post!

Level 2

Thank you for your response.  I would like to point out that the taxpayer contacted the New Orleans office of IRS where an agent indicated that the return was not received and suggested that the taxpayer file 2019 again.  We have chosen to efile for expedience but this will evidently not be the case as you have pointed out the service is not accepting efiled returns.  

It does not appear as though there are any other options for the time being.


Again, thank you sincerely for your response.

Level 15

You are welcome.

Level 3

To the best of my knowledge, the IRS has not yet turned on their computers to be able to e-file 2018-2020 returns yet since they were turned off November 21,2020.

Hopefully within the next 2 weeks they will go live again and then any returns you have transmitted will get acknowledged.  Intuit is most likely holding the returns until then.

0 Cheers
Level 2

Snappy, thank you. I tried once again to do the transmit and I should point out that a message flashes up on my screen that reads 0 out of 1 returns have been transmitted.  Therefore, I am wondering if this message is characteristic to the IRS efile shut down or something else on my end. 




0 Cheers
Level 15

If you efile, the paper will be processed as Duplicate. Read this topic:



Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
0 Cheers
Level 15

@pj1 .....there is no need to keep trying to efile a return......the efiling system is shut down.  The only thing wrong on your end is you are trying to do something that is NOT possible at this time. 


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