Level 4

This fast-path crap is, well, crap.  I paid for this program starting in 1988 (then called TurboTax), and every year since.  Starting in the late 1990's, the service has become progressively worse, to the point now that it is quite poor.  If I booted up my old computer from 1988, I could do a 1988 tax rerturn on it with no problem.  As I could with the 1998 and 2008.  Then, somewhere around 2016, "fast path" showed up on the scene.  Without offering any explanation of what was being done to me, I now have to log in to use a program loaded on my local hard drive.  Moreover, it locked me out of past year's programs this year when the year tripped over to 2021.  So, I cannot print out a copy of a client's 2019 tax return, unless I pay them a $399 fee.  But here's the worst part of it -- I actually paid the **bleep** fee, and intuit has still locked me out.  Why?  Because I didn't download the 2020 tax program.  Even in their nasty fine print where they grab you by the short-hairs and yank real hard, there is absolutely no requirement to buy or download the 2020 tax program in order to access tax returns for 2019 and earlier years.  I paid the $399 hostage fee over three weeks ago, yet they refuse to let me utilize the software.

And don't bother to call customer non-service.  After waiting about an hour for a call back, I get the call back from somewhere in Cambodia, where a heavily accented idiot in a cubicle reads from a script, and demands that I download the 2020 program.  I told her I didn't want to download it, and I explained that I had paid the $399 fee on December 11 (day it hit my credit card).  She told me that if I didn't download the 2020 program, that I couldn't access the 2019 tax program either (I purchased an unlimited returns package for 2019).  So, intuit isn't just demanding $399 to use the software that I already paid for, they are demanding that I buy and pay for 2020, too. 

People file late sometimes.  The IRS messes stuff up sometimes.  Amended returns need to be calculated sometimes.  And yes, even the preparer makes a mistake that needs fixing sometimes.  These are all reasons that access to  past year's software is important.  Intuit is thwarting all reasonable concepts of fair trade in what they are doing.  I think they have crossed the line into criminal behavior.