Level 3

Can you explain in more detail? Not having to sign with a facsimile or printed name would be great, but I just do not see it. Seems to me Part III requires a signature to certify the PIN, it can't be signed with only a PIN. I find this to be a problem in Proseries, same as the OP.

Assuming use of the Practitioner PIN method, Part III requires the signature of the ERO, where he/she is certifying the ERO EFIN/PIN used to electronically sign the return. I don't think the EFIN/PIN by itself is a valid signature of the ERO on Form 8879 if that is what you are saying? The EFIN/PIN is the electronic signature for filing, but the 8879 has to be manually signed, or signed using one of the alternative procedures in Notice 2007-79, to certify the EFIN/PIN used in the efiled transmission. 

Publication 1345 says the ERO "must also" sign with a PIN, just like the client, but this is referring to the signature of the electronic return originator attesting to the ERO Declaration, and if applicable signing as return preparer. This is not the same as the certification of the EFIN/PIN itself, which is accomplished by signing the 8879.

In other words, the ERO must sign the return electronically with a PIN. But the 8879 still has to be manually signed, or signed using one of the alternative methods (either a facsimile of ERO signature or printed name) to certify that the PIN used to sign the return is valid.

I cannot seem to get the ERO signature to print in Part III, which I see as a serious issue.