Level 15

"Rettig is obviously referring to 2020 returns that will be filed in 2021."

As you know, these are two different bills. There are two payments being discussed. The qualifications would be examined separately, as well.

"It helps to read the complete newsletter and not just the misleading quote that someone inserted in the Commissar's mouth."

I didn't misquote anyone. As for who is the "someone" who "inserted", I copied that from the IRS, as I noted. And I posted the link so that the viewer can read the complete newsletter, and could have read it two days earlier than asking today. You sign up to be informed.

If it helps, I will even break it down: "Today, the Internal Revenue Service and the Treasury Department will begin delivering a second round of Economic Impact Payments as part of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 to millions of Americans who received the first round of payments earlier this year."

"before the official payment date of January 4, 2021."

"The IRS urges taxpayers who didn’t receive a payment this year to review the eligibility criteria when they file their 2020 taxes; many people, including recent college graduates, may be eligible to claim it."

This Announcement is "IR-2020-280, December 29, 2020" which makes "this year" 2020.

Many people will not get their funds until they file the 2020 tax return, which makes the payment a 2021 payment, along with the rest that get their payment right away, but still as part of 2021.

And there is not yet any declaration that the "remaining balance" or what would then be a Third Payment, is dead or alive.

You don't accuse people of misleading, when clearly, the source that was pointed out is the agency in charge of releasing the info to the public. I'm glad to be a resource to those who cannot be bothered to find it themselves, and I include where I sourced the info for a reason.

This is a developing story. We're all along for the ride.



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