Level 15

The general saying is never put real estate into a corporation (especially a C-corporation).  But there is generally nothing wrong with putting it into a LLC.

However, if you live in State that charges an annual fee for an LLC (such as California's $800 minimum fee), then using a  LLC may not be a great idea (especially a Single Member LLC).  A good insurance policy may be a better investment.

Also, most taxpayers don't treat a Single Member LLC as a separate entity and tend to mix personal and business together.  That very often will void the liability limitations of a LLC (that varies by State), in which case putting it into a LLC was just a waste of time and money.  In other words, the taxpayer needs to know WHY and HOW a LLC can be beneficial, and treat it accordingly.  There are countless people that form a LLC just because somebody told them to, and they have NO IDEA why or how to handle it.  If a person does that, the I agree, don't put it in a LLC as it won't benefit them.

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