Level 3

Hello all,

I'm using proseries basic.  I e-filed a return last week (3/6) and it was received by Intuit, sent on to IRS and NC, then it was rejected because IP PIN not provided.   I didn't know she had one as there wasn't any identity theft (or attempted).  She acquired one because she was on the IRS.gov site sometime last year and thought she needed to prove her identity.  She thinks she may have done this in error, but she got the IP PIN.

On 3/8, I had client come to my office and together we verified her ID.me information and her IP PIN was confirmed.  Then, after entering her ID PIN on info worksheet in ProSeries Basic, I attempted the e-file again.  Again, it reported returns were transmitted and received successfully by Intuit.  

Then, when I printed out the status for the 3/8 refile, in addition to the receipt confirmation, it reported that the returns both had been accepted by the taxing authorities on 3/7.   This would have been the returns that didn't have the IP PIN, the ones e-filed on 3/6.

Since I'd already re-e-filed with the IP PIN, I decided to wait until 3/10 to recheck status - sure enough, rejected again, this time they said the IP PIN didn't match the IRS database.  We had checked and confirmed the PIN on 3/8, so this didn't make sense.  

This morning, 3/11, returns hadn't been accepted and the client reported that the $30 she owed NC (scheduled for 3/10 debit)  hadn't been debited from her account yet, and IRS said that her return isn't processed.  

How should I proceed with this?  I'm thinking mailing paper return is best, but that we should wait, keep checking on the $30 debit, and IRS processing updates for about a week and then if no news, put returns in the mail. 

And, of course, all this is potentially further complicated by whatever is going on with DOGE at IRS, so calling may not prove fruitful. 

Let me know what you think I should do, please, and heaven help us all.  Thank you in advance -

Laura Wright   

Level 13

I used to understand computers, now I just try to survive them.

Can she opt-out of her IP PIN on irs.gov?  I have no idea how long that might take to process but new this year, if you opted-in you can now opt-out (if, however, the IP PIN was assigned due to actual identity theft I think you're stuck in the program for life).

Is there anyone else on the return who may have an IP PIN (spouse, dependents?)  Maybe hers is not the problem.

Good luck!  Post back if you find a solution.  Otherwise you might have to paper file. 😞


Level 15

"....so calling may not prove fruitful. "

THAT comment is hysterical; thanks for the laugh. 

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 13

Oh, I think there was a post somewhere last week where the poster ended up deleting the IP PIN and reentering it.  They said the first time they did a copy/paste and it must have grabbed some other invisible garbage as part of the copy/paste but typing the number in manually worked and it went through afterwards.  Maybe not your problem but worth a try!