Lisa Johnson
Level 2

How do you get the PTE to calculate correctly in the S-Corp for MN.  When I activate the PTE it calculates the max they could off the K-1 but when you put in what they paid and if the amount is less it is adding a penalty and wants the S-Corp to make an additional payment rather than putting what was actually paid and letting it flow to the individuals tax return.  Can someone help with maybe a step I am missing when entering this data.  

I have the payment they made entered on the Sch KS Totals on line 2 and this flows to the SCH PTE line 4 and 5 and then lines 8 -20 are automatically calculating based off the K-1.  Line 21 shows a higher amount that should have been paid which flows to the M8 line 3 and that is added to line 2 the minimum fee then the estimate is taken off of this and it is showing a large balance due as they paid less as it was an estimate.  What I am missing so I so not have this balance on the M8 and so that he K-1 line 33 is the amount paid not the calculated amount.  

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