Level 15

"I noticed over the years, less and less people each year at tax seminars"

You go to those things in person?  I haven't attended any CPE in person since COVID.  That is the one positive thing that came out of COVID.  The closest CPE we could attend was a little over an hour away, with most of it 3.5 hours away.  We now save on travel time and travel costs by being able to do those things remotely.

The CPA profession hasn't done much to help the cause in providing bodies to prepare tax returns or perform audits.  The brain trusts thought that nobody could possibly do this job with a mere four years of education.  There was the big push from state societies to have their states add a year to education requirements.  So somebody wants to sit in a college classroom for 5 years to have the pleasure of doing this job?  So now, after the number of new accountants sprouting up is shrinking, they are rethinking that wonderful idea and trying to back track after the damage was done.  In retrospect, I should have stuck with the profession that I wanted as a young kid - game warden.  Although I think it would be tough for me to arrest folks for exceeding their legal bag limit of road runners.

Slava Ukraini!