Nicholas Raynes
Level 1

Purchased Professional series for 2024 filings which includes printing, however we are not able to print without payment for all returns.  After seven calls the problem has not been resolved.  Put on hold for hours, promised call backs but it does not happen.  After one call back problem continues to occur.

Disappointed with Intuit.

0 Cheers
Level 11
Level 11

just a couple questions.. can you print to pdf?

and have you clicked on, from the homebase, tools, license products


0 Cheers
Level 15

Which package did you pay for?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Level 15

Did you purchase Basic and download/Install Professional by mistake?  

Nicholas Raynes
Level 1

I purchased the 200 returns package in professional. It says I should only be paying for return in excess of 200. I have not printed any returns.

0 Cheers
Level 15

@Intuit_Ruben  - After 7 unsuccessful attempts with support, can you provide any help on this one?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Level 15

If youve already tried Tools > License Products then you'll need to call support.

I didnt realize they sold a 200 return package for Professional (I do see it on the website though).

Are these 1040s or business returns that are trying to make you pay?

When you log into your MyProseries account Dashboard, do you see both Basic and Professional available to download?   If so, you bought Basic.  If you only bought Pro, Basic wouldnt be an option.

0 Cheers
Level 15

But he said he already tried calling support 7 times 😯

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

I think theyre mistaken with what they purchased...but nobody here can see that, phone support is the only option.

0 Cheers
Level 15

But after 7 calls, what are the odds that he will get a knowledgeable support person on call 8?  Personally, I wouldn’t have the patience to keep calling without ever making any headway.  I would probably be using Drake about now.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Level 15

@Nicholas Raynes  top menu bar       Information > Product Licenses       what does it show there?

Level 15

I just reread his post - 7 calls leaving messages for call backs instead of actually talking to 7 people.  But in any case, the one call back should have been able to solve the problem if he downloaded the wrong software or it isn't licensed yet.  If that is all that there is for a problem, that support person might want to go back to basic training.

Slava Ukraini!
Community Manager
Community Manager

@Nicholas Raynes I sent you a message to follow up with you. Let us know on this thread/send me a reply that this is resolved or if you're needing further assistance. 

Thanks, all, for your teamwork! @Jim-from-Ohio 🚘  @IRonMaN 🚀 @Just-Lisa-Now- 👩‍🎤 

0 Cheers
Level 15

@Nicholas Raynes  - you said on another post that the problem was fixed.  To possibly help other folks in the future, can you share what the problem was?

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 1

I'm try9ng to print my first 2024 1120S, same problem. Giving an error about licensing. Support just told me it's a known issue & "they're working on it". No estimated resolution date. Great.

0 Cheers