Level 4

I have not received any response for Intuit Link Support.  It would be nice to get a response from them, especially my Number 2 point.

2. Reset the initial status of the TYYY Progress Column (TY24) to "Not Invited" or some status other than Invite Accepted. I want to be able to re-invite/invite clients each tax year with the template that pulls all of their previous tax information or sends the "standard" template.  This does not seem to happen if the status at the beginning of the year is already Invite Accepted.  Also it seems like the only action allowed when the status becomes Invite Accepted is Review.  When you start a tax year off with this status being left over from the previous year it is hard to determine which documents are the previous year or the current year.

There seems to be a great deal of silence from Intuit Link Support on this.  I can always hope to hear from them.

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